Video 1:
This video describes the process of what currently happens when our groups Rube Goldberg Machines are connected. Both circuits are started and finished with dominoes in order to give us flexibility within our group and in regards to the groups around us.
Video 2:
Video's two and three provide examples of our failures. Initially, we took it upon ourselves as a challenge to use only one power supply (since they're so sought after for this project)! During the process of setting up our machine, we had to overcome some obstacles. We learned about where to position our different structures and what order we needed to place everything. Despite what we learned, we still experienced random error where suddenly one circuit would just stop working. On our next attempt, we finally noticed the power supply changing upon the switching of the first circuit. Between both circuits sharing one power supply, we were drawing too much to run our machine %100 of the time.
After switching to two power supplies, we found it rather easy to make it work!